




NOTE: If you are relying on Federal 金融援助 to assist in covering your housing charges you MUST complete the application process BEFORE June 1st for funds to be 可在秋季学期开始. 详情请联系学生成功 顾问 ude.wons@dialaicnanif.
在那里 are ADDITIONAL STEPS AND PAPERWORK, beyond the initial FAFSA application that 必须在6月1日前完成吗. 请参阅我们的 金融援助 浏览更多信息.

RAs (Resident Assistants) are leaders within your building that live on-campus to 你可以向谁寻求支持或问题. RD(驻院主任)的工作范围是 Office of 居住生活 and helps provide a safe community-learning environment and 住在宿舍里,监督助理助理

The 应用程序/Deposit fee covers the cost of your application as well as paying 以你的名义在校内宿舍预订房间. 可退还的部分 押金将在合同结束后4周内退还.

You can park your car in any parking lot on-campus as long as it is not labeled 教师/工作人员. 停车免费! 以法莲市限制在城市街道上过夜停车 the winter for 雪 removal purposes, so there is no overnight parking on College 大道.

Bicycle storage racks are available outside of every on-campus residence halls. 使 sure to register your bike with Public Safety to avoid theft and bring a new lock 把你的自行车固定在车架上. 自行车不允许进入宿舍或宿舍 房间和房间不应该在夏天留下.

The Suites at Academy Square has two community kitchens located on the 2nd and 4th floor, Anderson Hall has a community kitchen located next to the lower lobby of the 雪厅有一个社区厨房,就在大厅旁边.

Only fish in a 10-gallon or smaller aquarium are permitted in the Residence Halls 和公寓. 由于卫生标准,空间有限,还有学生过敏, 所有其他宠物都不允许进入宿舍.
Students with a documented need for an emotional support animal must coordinate with our campus ADA Coordinator at least seven (7) days in advance of move-in to allow 提供合理的住宿.

As mail is NOT delivered to residence halls, students must register with Campus 邮件服务. Mail delivery at 雪的大学 is available to enrolled students free of charge.

150 E. 学院大街.
以法莲,UT 84627

The Office of 居住生活 is not responsible for delivering packages and/or other 寄往学生宿舍的邮资.

Yes, renter's insurance is strongly encouraged as stated in the Housing and Residence 生活协议/合同.

Students have access to the same WiFi in the residence halls that used all across campus and there are ethernet ports in each room for wired internet access. 游说团体 and community space TVs in the residence halls are hooked up to cable TV via Roku TV.

No, however, Computer Labs are available for student use in the Karen Huntsman Library 及商业大厦.

每个宿舍楼都有洗衣设施,费用全免! 请有礼貌 对他人和机器的恐惧.

宿舍晚上10点关门.m. 在秋季决赛之后的周日 学期开始,早上8点重新上课.m. 上课前的星期六 春季学期.

No, but it is recommended that freshman to take a serious look at on-campus housing 以及我们能提供的额外服务.

学生可携带课桌/办公椅、灯具、装饰品等. 请注意 that personal beds, mattresses, desks, couches, recliners, mini-fridges or lounge 椅子(任何大型家具)都是 not 允许.

You check into your assigned Residence Hall at the front lobby/entrance of the building. You will be greeted by a staff member from the Office of 居住生活 and they will go over a Room Condition Report (RCR) to be completed and signed, then you will receive 你房间的钥匙. 你还需要办理学生证并激活它 对于你的建筑.

应用程序s are available during specific periods of the year online via the "Join 我们的团队”选项卡在右边的导航栏. 此外,还将举行信息发布会 throughout the year for students to ask questions and inquire about additional information.

Payments for 雪的大学 expenses, including student fees, tuition, and housing, 实验费、学生证等. 每个15周学期的第5天都要交吗.

Students able to move in early are those on fall sports teams or student leadership 因为他们已经被安排提前到达. 其他提出要求的学生 提前搬进来的问题将根据具体情况处理.


www.雪.edu/housing/apply. You, the student, will log-in to the housing application by using your 雪的大学 用户名和密码. 

Yes, we do offer the option to apply for a Fall Only or Spring Only contracts. 在那里 这些选项是否需要额外的150美元短期合同费用.如果你申请 a fall only and wish to extend your contract for the Spring semester, you will need 在11月11日之前联系住宿生活办公室. 1 .完成合同延期 form.

费率取决于您选择的住房类型. 了解更多信息 关于费率,请点击“价格指导,显示在右侧导航栏上. 请注意,本页所列的房价是 每学期.

Students now that have ability to select his/her own room through the housing application. You will know immediately after your pay your application and deposit fees. 此外, the Office of 居住生活 will send placement letters via email to your email address 整个夏天都会定期列在你的住房申请表上.

If you have one or more roommates, their usernames will appear in your online application 最后一页“申请状态”. 这可以在任何时候访问 你,学生. 在每个室友的用户名旁边,你可以“发送消息”给你的室友 通过电子邮件交流. 此外,在您的安置电子邮件中,您将收到每个列表 你的室友/室友/室友.

Yes, in the application process you may search for a student that may have already 申请时,你也可以要求一个室友. 然后将此请求发送到 其他的学生. 这并不决定你们会被安排在一起. 学生 you requested will need to email you back and the two of you can then determine which 在剩余的申请过程中可供选择的空间.

雪的大学 two different Athletic Living Learning Communities (LLC) in joint cooperation 和体育部. 一个在纳托尔大厅(排球、男篮、 Women's Basketball) and the other is in the Suites at Academy Square on the 3rd floor (男人的 & 女子足球队). 这些大厅是为NJCAA运动员准备的 雪学院名单队.

You will fill out a Roommate Agreement at the start of each semester with your roommate(s) 和RA. 在前三周的课程中,你必须住在指定的房间 在房间切换之前. 三个星期后,你就可以通过考试了 发生冲突时的调解程序. 调解将由一名住校助理进行 (RA)现在. 如果情况无法调和你和你的室友,可能会见面 与驻地主任进行进一步的情况分析.
If you are moved to a different room, 公寓 or suite a new Roommate Agreement 将与新室友一起填写. 如果你选择移动,你将被起诉 a Room Change Fee, any subsequent moves will result in a higher Room Change Fee and 最多两步.




  • 闹钟
  • 标准单人床床单(75英寸X38英寸)(安德森除外 & 纳托尔·霍尔带来 双XL床单)
  • 手机和充电器(推荐)
  • 清洁用品
  • 计算机设备(以太网线、充电线等.)
  • 电脑打印机
  • Fan
  • 衣架
  • 洗衣篮及HE洗衣皂、干衣床单等.
  • 台灯/台灯(无卤素)
  • 床垫套
  • 手/站在镜子
  • 枕头
  • 柱塞
  • 海报腻子或遮罩/油漆工用胶带
  • 垃圾桶及垃圾袋(不超过10加仑)
  • UL认证的带电涌保护器的电源板
  • 真空
  • 手电筒
  • 杯子,马克杯,盘子,碗,餐具
  • 开罐器
  • 垃圾桶


  • 炊具、锅、平底锅等
  • 淋浴用品
  • 烤面包机
  • 台灯


  • 基本急救箱
  • 面部组织
  • 保险卡片
  • 医疗信息
  • 指甲护理套装
  • 止痛药
  • 洗发水和护发素
  • 淋浴的鞋子
  • 洗漱用品
  • 乳液和防晒霜
  • 洗漱用品和洗漱包
  • Robe
  • 毛巾和毛巾
  • 针线包
  • 太阳镜


  • 书包
  • 计算器
  • 闪存驱动器(s)
  • 字典
  • 一般学校用品
  • 钢笔,铅笔,荧光笔
  • 白了
  • 磁带
  • 订书机
  • 回形针
  • 剪刀
  • 统治者
  • 活页纸
  • 打印纸
  • 三环活页夹/螺旋笔记本


  • 空调机组
  • Alcoholic Beverages or paraphernalia (雪的大学 has a Zero Tolerance Policy)
  • 烧烤架
  • 面包制造商
  • 蜡烛和香
  • 油炸锅
  • 延长线
  • 烟花
  • 工头烤架
  • 家具(沙发、躺椅、书桌等)
  • 自由重量器械
  • 插头或电源线 没有 浪涌抑制.
  • 锤子、钉子或螺丝
  • 贵重的私人物品(最好放在一般地方)
  • 节日彩灯(圣诞灯或串灯)
  • 电炉/墨西哥烤饼机
  • 熔岩灯
  • 迷你冰箱
  • 帕尼尼制造商
  • 宠物(10加仑的鱼缸里只允许养小鱼)
  • 爆米花制造商
  • Scentsy /取暖器
  • 空间加热器
  • 烤箱
  • 墙贴花
  • 水床
  • 武器、火器和爆炸物


  • 搅拌机
  • 自动关机的咖啡机
  • 电脑和打印机
  • 克罗克锅,可自动关闭
  • 可自动关闭的速溶锅
  • 空气炸锅,自动关闭
  • 自动关闭的卷发器
  • DVD /高清晰蓝光播放器
  • Fan
  • 游戏统一公债
  • 吹风机
  • 铁带自动关闭
  • 电饭煲
  • 带耳机的立体声
  • 电视
  • 烤面包机

If you wish to terminate your 住房合同 please look at our cancellation policy at www.雪.edu/offices/housing/cancel.

首先,联系一个RA,讨论你不喜欢什么,你更喜欢什么. 然后联系 到住宿生活办公室,这样我们就可以讨论其他的住宿选择. 变化 in housing assignments will not take place until after the third week of the semester.

No. 居住生活 staff do not complete bed checks, nor do they verify that you come 每晚回家. 有客人来访时间,请参阅宿舍生活 权利 & 责任 了解更多信息.

如果您的房间有任何问题,请上网查询 维护请求. 维修人员应及时处理所有工单.


住在非烹饪单位的学生需要有一个 膳食计划选择. Students in cooking 公寓s may choose to have a meal if they wish, but it is 烹饪公寓可选. 如果你正在做饭,你可以取消你的用餐计划 公寓. 如果你住在非烹饪单位,你可以升级你的膳食计划. 应该 you 取消住房合同 在这学期的任何时候,a 膳食计划取消表格 will need to be submitted to food services if you wish to cancel your meal plan.