


雪的大学 is committed to safeguarding the privacy of individuals who apply for 学院录取. This Notice explains how we will collect, use and disclose 您的个人资料. When you submit your application to us, or otherwise provide us with information in your application for admission, or use our websites and other services, you consent to our collection, use, and disclosure of that information as 本隐私声明中所述.

在本公告中,“学院”、“我们”、“我们的”和“我们”指的是雪学院、“你们”。 “你的”指的是那些表示有兴趣成为学院学生的人 (在正式申请之前和正式申请阶段),以及后来成为 学院的注册学生.

We are the data controller for personal data that we 过程 about you.


雪的大学 is the data controller and a 过程or for personal data you supply. This Notice is intended to comply with the 欧盟GDPR requirements as to 控制器和处理器.


如有任何不清楚的地方,请联络我们的资料私隐主任 who shall be happy to answer any queries you may have concerning this Notice or the way in which we 过程 您的个人资料.

The Data Privacy Officer's contact details are provided at the end of this Notice.

What is and where does the 大学 get 您的个人资料 from?

“个人资料”是指与您个人有关或识别您个人身份的任何信息 including your name, address, phone number, education and other information asked 在入学申请上. Personal data requested does not contain “special categories of data” as described under the GDPR. 这种“特殊类别的数据” will incl乌兰 information about your racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs or other philosophical beliefs, physical or mental health. 如果你成为一名学生 雪的大学, you may be asked for special categories of data but you can decide at that point if you wish to share with the 大学 sensitive personal data.

We obtain personal data about you from the following sources:

  • from you when you apply for admission or register as a st乌兰nt with us;
  • 来自第三方来源. When we obtain personal data about you from third party 来源方面,我们将确保第三方有合法权限提供 我们与您的个人资料.

申请人必须提供个人资料,方可申请入读白雪大学 大学. Failure to provide such data will result in your application not being considered or prevent you from attending 雪的大学.

Categories of personal data being 过程ed, the purposes for which we 过程 your personal data and the legal basis for that 过程ing and internal sharing

PG电子官方免费下载将处理您在申请表上提供的个人信息 此处提及的其他信息用于识别您的身份、处理 你的申请,核实所提供的信息,决定是否提供给你 admission, and communicating that outcome. If accepted and you decide to attend, we 处理您的个人资料,以便管理您作为学生的职位 us. We may use and share your Information and Sensitive Information internally with other University offices and units to support your success as a st乌兰nt. 我们也会 与其他大学办公室分享您的信息,以提供教育,建议, residence, athletic, st乌兰nt development, financial aid, and for fundraising if you are enrolled as a st乌兰nt of the University. We also might de-identify your Sensitive Information to use for research or statistical purposes.

我们出发于 表1 更详细地说明所处理的个人资料的类别及目的 for which we will 过程 您的个人资料.

Who else might we share your data with?

We may disclose your information to third parties as follows:

同意. We may use and disclose your Information to third parties if we have your consent 这样做.

家长及监护人. In some cases, we may share your Information with a parent or guardian if necessary to properly complete the admissions 过程, report certain information as allowed by FERPA, or in the event of an emergency.

服务提供商. We may use third parties to support our operations. 在这种情况下,我们可以分享您的信息 Sensitive Information and Information with such third parties who are obligated to safeguard it from unauthorized disclosure.

大学辅导员和行政人员. 我们可能会使用您的信息,并与您的学校辅导员和管理人员分享.

学院附属项目. 我们可能会与大学附属的第三方分享您的信息 for the purpose of contacting you about goods, services, or experiences that may be 你感兴趣吗?.

研究与研究. 我们可能会与研究招生或其他主题的第三方分享您的信息 与高等教育相关. We may also share your Information with third parties 进行研究或开发旨在改善招生的产品或服务 以及其他高等教育职能.

其他高等教育机构. We may share your information with other Higher Education organizations, in order 协助转账和跟踪.

法律规定. We may share your Information with third parties to the extent we are required to 是通过法律、法院命令还是传票. In the case of international applicants, we may share you information with 美国 government or appropriate agencies including to act as your sponsor for visa purposes.

紧急情况下. 我们可能会与第三方分享您的信息,如果在我们的判断,这样的披露 is necessary to protect the health, safety, or property of any person.

De-Identified and Aggregate Information. We may collect, use and disclose Sensitive Information or other Information about our applicants in de-identified or aggregate form without limitation.

Additional notices and guidance/policies

We also have some additional notices, guidelines and policies with further useful information about the way in which we 过程 您的个人资料:

  • 考勤数据 – We conduct attendance monitoring for a number of reasons including to assist with 为国际学生办理学生签证,确保学生的适当参与.
  • 我们的校友 – As an integral part of the 大学’s services to its st乌兰nts it provides alumni 活动. 有关更多信息,请参见 http://www.雪.edu/advancement/alumni/index.html
  • 我们的网站 – We use cookies on our website for session tracking and analytics. 请参阅我们的 隐私声明 for information on the use of cookies at:http://www.雪.edu/general/privacy_statement.html
  • FERPA – The 大学 complies with 美国 Family Educational Rights and Privacy 法案(FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) which is a Federal law that protects the privacy of st乌兰nt education records. Information regarding that as well as what FERPA目录信息是什么时候可以公开,可以在PG电子官方免费下载找到 Policy on the Confidentiality of St乌兰nt Records http://www.雪.edu/offices/registrar/政策/FERPA_Policy.html 另请参阅 http://www.雪.edu/catalog/registration.html#records


We will from time to time communicate with you by email, text, mail or phone. If, at any stage, you are concerned about the content of these communications, e.g. 不需要的 营销信息,或希望改变我们使用的沟通方式 unsubscribe to general email communications.

如果您未能取消订阅我们的通讯及/或继续关注, please contact our Data Protection Officer.


我们会在完成申请所需的时间内保存您的个人信息 过程. 如果你是 successful, your information will be kept as part of your st乌兰nt 在学习期间永久记录成绩、学位、 certificates and other information showing your studies at 雪的大学. 如果你是 如申请不获批准,阁下的资料一般会保留至少一年 完成申请流程.


We thought it would be helpful to set out your rights under GDPR. 你有权利 to:

  • withdraw consent where that is the legal basis of our 过程ing;
  • access and/or a copy of 您的个人资料 that we 过程;
  • rectify inaccuracies in personal data that we hold about you;
  • 在某些情况下被遗忘,那就是你的详细信息要从系统中删除 that we use to 过程 您的个人资料;
  • restrict the 过程ing in certain ways;
  • obtain a copy of your data in a commonly used electronic form; and
  • object certain 过程ing of 您的个人资料 by us.

请参阅 http://www.雪.edu/offices/registrar/政策/FERPA_Policy.html for further information on the above rights and how to exercise them. 你也可以 contact the Data Protection Officer for further information.


We may update or change this Notice at any time. Your continued use of 大学 services or enrollment after any such change indicates your acceptance of such changes.

Legal basis for 过程ing your data under GDPR

(第6(1)(a)条),同意-在特定情况下,学院只会处理某些 数据,如果你同意.g. on registration you only need to provide certain “special categories” of data if you agree to that.

(第6 (1)(b)条),这是履行学生合同所必需的 occasions the 大学 will 过程 your data to enable it to meet its commitments 献给你.g. those relating to acceptance, teaching and assessment.

(Article 6 (1)(c)), necessary to comply with a legal obligation – the 大学 does have legal obligations to provide 您的个人资料 to others e.g. 美国 government if you are an international st乌兰nt.

(Article 6 (1)(d)), for the purpose of protecting the vital interest of yourself or 其次,有时在极端情况下,学院将不得不发布信息 to protect your interests or the interests of others e.g. 在医疗紧急情况下.

(Article 6 (1)(e)), 过程ing necessary for the performance of a task carried in the public interest – the 大学 is an educational establishment and in particular its educational activity is conducted in a public interest (including your interest 以及他人的利益). E.g. your personal information may be disclosed to others if you commit a violation of the st乌兰nt code of conduct.

(第6 (1)(f)条),为了合法利益的目的,处理是必要的 of the 大学 or a third party subject to overridden interests of the data subject -学院(有时是第三方)在活动中享有广泛的合法权益 that connect to the 活动 and education of st乌兰nts. 受制于这些利益 不被学生的基本权利和自由的利益所压倒, 它将追求这些利益. Where Article 6(1)(f) is used the “legitimate interest” 一般来说,学院(或第三方)是否有兴趣提供或支持 the provision of higher education to its st乌兰nts.

(第22(2)(a)条),履行合同所必需的自动决策 -学院有时会自动作出与其所提供的服务有关的决定 给你.

(第9(1)(a)条),在您同意的情况下处理“特殊类别”的数据 -学院会在征得您同意的情况下处理有关您的某些敏感资料; e.g. 提供合理的住宿.

(第9(1)(g)条),在必要的情况下处理“特殊类别”的数据 具有重大的公共利益.

(Article 9(1)(f)), 过程ing “special categories” of data in connection with legal 索赔.

It is recognized that some of the above grounds will overlap and that the 大学 could rely on multiple grounds justifying its lawful 过程ing. 学院也 reserves the right to rely upon other grounds that are not referred to here.


如果您对处理您的个人资料的方式有任何疑虑 或对本通知有任何疑问,请联络本署的资料私隐主任 保罗·图,电话:(435)283-7290或 乌兰.wons@wet.luap

Our general postal address is 大学大街150号 E, Ephraim, UT 84627.


No. 特定的目的 Legal Basis – reference to Article 6 GDPR unless indicated to the contrary
1. Admission, registration and administration of studies. (1)(b)或(1)(f)
2. 学业评估及升学. (1)(b)或(1)(f)
3. 管理与学生有关的政策和程序,包括上诉、投诉、 grievances, disciplinary matters, and matters relating to health and conduct and to 作弊和抄袭 (1)(b)或(1)(f)
4. Pursuit of social and sporting 活动e.g. relating to use of the 大学’s sports 设施. (1)(b)或(1)(f)
5. The provision of 大学 accommodation and other support services such as those of the Library, Accessibility Services, or financial aid. (1)(b)或(1)(f)
6. The granting of awards (including the publication of awards via the 大学's web 网站). (1)(b)或(1)(f)
7. Processing and recovery of accounts and fees. (1)(b)或(1)(f)
8. 研究与统计分析. (1)(b)或(1)(f)
9. Production of statistical returns required for third party government bodies e.g. 签证合规信息. (1)(c)或(1)(e)或(1)(f)
10. Creation of e-mail addresses, available to those within and outside of the 大学. (1)(b)或(1)(f)
11. Direct communications of or about (i) st乌兰nt benefits and opportunities offered by 或通过学院和(ii)学院为学生组织的活动和活动. (1)(b)或(1)(f)
12. 寄发与学生兴趣直接相关的服务或就业机会的邮件. (1)(b)或(1)(f)
13. Administration of employment contracts where the st乌兰nt is employed by the 大学. (1)(b)或(1)(f)
14. 校友会籍管理. (1)(b)或(1)(f)
15. 奖金、奖学金和奖励的考虑和授予:酌情拨款 available to st乌兰nts; and of other such awards. (1)(b)或(1)(f)
16. In relation to the safety of individuals and their property and the protection of 大学 assets, including the use of CCTV. (1)(b)或(1)(f)
17. The production of st乌兰nt identification cards; and the inclusion of photographic images on the 大学’s computerized st乌兰nt record system. (1)(b)或(1)(f)
18. 与教学记录有关的讲座记录设备的操作 活动e.g. 讲座,由学院. (1)(b)或(1)(e)或(1)(f)
19. 向警方或其他监管机构进行调查或披露 潜在的犯罪. (1)(f)
20. To close family and the emergency services where there is an emergency situation e.g. illness, serious injury or bereavement. (1)(f)
21. To other educational institutions involved in the delivery of a st乌兰nt’s course of 研究中,e.g. affiliated colleges, exchange institutions including those outside of 学生转学或继续其教育的美国机构. (1)(b)或(1)(f)
22. 在专业团体注册是与该团体有关或有规定的情况下 学生的学习. (1)(b)或(1)(e)或(1)(f)
23. 任何第三方访问学院的学生电子邮件地址的电子邮件目录 或其他FERPA目录信息. (1)(b)或(1)(f)
24. To external agents of the 大学 in relation to the repayment of st乌兰nt debts. (1)(f)
25. To Data Processors in order for them to 过程 data on behalf of the 大学 for 学院获准处理资料的任何目的,包括 the provision of academic and other services by the 大学. (1)(b)或(1)(f)
26. In relation to the provision of references for st乌兰nts or former st乌兰nts. (1)(f)
27. To external bodies and individuals who have funded st乌兰nt scholarships and awards. (1)(b)或(1)(f)
28. 向学院的外聘律师、保险公司就学院内发生的意外 机构和外部审计员.  
28. “敏感个人资料”或“特别类别资料”供评估及提供 of services and accommodations to st乌兰nts with disabilities. 第九条(1)(a)